Bookshelf Styling Ideas With Pink Decor

Bookshelf Styling Ideas With Pink Decor

Posted by Kirsten Sharp on Mar 21st 2025

Normally my go-to colors for styling are blues and greens but when I started styling my own home office, what did I want? Pink!


Home offices, much like bedrooms and bathrooms, are a great place to depart a little from the color scheme of your main living areas.


Generally speaking, offices, bedrooms, and bathrooms have a door which makes them feel like their own separate space - thus justifying the use of slightly different colors.

Your main living areas (i.e. your kitchen, living room and dining room) are usually pretty open to each other, so it makes sense to keep the colors more consistent.


Side note: If you need help creating a whole house color palette to create consistency in your main living areas, check out this post for a step-by-step guide!

So, back to my pink office.

I decided to use pink accents but pair them with some neutral colors to make it feel a bit more grounded and natural.


To bring in the neutral colors, I love using wood and woven accents - like baskets, photo frames and decorative boxes.

And truth be told, I always kind of hated this built-in bookshelf in my office, but it's starting to grow on me now that it's decorated.

That's one of the reasons I fell in love with decorating- it can do wonders when it comes to enhancing the things you love about your house, and help to fix the things you don't!bookshelf-styling-ideas-with-pink-decor.jpg

I know styling (especially when it comes to larger areas like bookshelves) can feel overwhelming so I made sure to include all the styling strategies I use in my new course which is coming out soon!

(And no, you don't have to be an interior design genius to replicate it in your own home, promise!)

Coming Soon...

I’m so excited to share that my Decorating Made Simple course will be launching soon! It’s designed to make decorating feel easy and fun, and I can’t wait to help you create a space you love. Click below to learn more and be the first to know when it’s available!


Want Personalized Decorating Advice?

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